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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2021-08-04 发布人:admin
The capacity, quality and slump of transported concrete shall meet the concrete industry standards and requirements.
u 在混凝土运输过程中罐体禁止停转,防止造成混凝土的凝结,停转重启时会造成对液压系统、减速机的冲击,导致液压泵和马达的损坏。
U it is forbidden to stop the tank during concrete transportation to prevent concrete condensation. Stopping and restarting will cause impact on the hydraulic system and reducer, resulting in damage to the hydraulic pump and motor.
u 卸料时,如发现水分蒸发,塌落度偏低不能满足用户要求时,可适当向筒内加水,然后以10—14r/min的速度旋转30转后卸料,使混凝土充分搅拌。
U during unloading, if it is found that the water evaporates and the slump is low, which can not meet the user's requirements, add water to the cylinder appropriately, and then rotate at the speed of 10-14r / min for 30 revolutions before unloading to fully mix the concrete.
u 搅拌车在空载运行过程中,搅拌筒不得停转以免颠簸时造成滚道和托轮局部磕碰,导致托轮和滚道的异常损坏。
U during the no-load operation of the mixer truck, the mixing drum shall not stop running, so as to avoid local collision between the raceway and the supporting wheel during bumping, resulting in abnormal damage to the supporting wheel and the raceway.
u 水箱的水量要经常加满,以备急用。水箱加水前,必须打开放气阀把箱内空气放掉;冲洗时打开气阀,冲洗完毕或者停用时应将水罐内气体放掉。冬季停放时,水箱和供水系统里,不得有剩余水,防止冻裂。注意:水箱仅在供水时加压,不要带着加压水箱在公路上行驶。
U the water tank shall be filled frequently for emergency use. Before adding water to the water tank, the vent valve must be opened to release the air in the tank; Open the air valve during flushing, and discharge the gas in the water tank after flushing or shutdown. When parking in winter, there shall be no residual water in the water tank and water supply system to prevent frost cracking. Note: the water tank is pressurized only when supplying water. Do not drive on the road with the pressurized water tank.
u 满载混凝土正转,如要反转,必须操纵手柄使正转停稳后,再操纵手柄反转。严禁正转过程中操纵手柄使其反转。
U full load concrete forward rotation, if you want to reverse, you must control the handle to make the forward rotation stop stably, and then control the handle to reverse. It is strictly prohibited to operate the handle to reverse it during forward rotation.
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