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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-04-18 发布人:admin
  Many people will be careful of the new cement automatic mixer, worried that the use of bad will cause damage to the newly bought equipment, but do not know how to use to make the use of mixer efficiency for a longer time, let's talk about it.
  First about the newly purchased cement automatic mixer, the first use of about 50h, we should check the bolt fastening situation. It includes connecting bolts of tank head and reducer, connecting bolts of reducer base and front stage, connecting bolts of tug base and frame, and connecting bolts of auxiliary beam and girder, etc. Make sure you check it once a month.
  High precision of hydraulic system components. Especially mixing truck hydraulic pump, easy maintenance, but high requirements. Hydraulic oil should be replaced regularly, the first run for 500h, the next 2000h or at least once a year, the filter element should be replaced together. When refueling or changing oil, the initiator must be stopped, otherwise the hydraulic system will be damaged.
  Check whether the smooth oil on the joint surface of the supporting wheel and raceway is dry before driving every day, and supplement it in time to maintain outstanding smooth effect. Each time before the vehicle starts, check the oil level of the cooler and reducer to ensure that the oil level indication is within the visual range; Check the sealing status of the hydraulic oil circuit to keep the hydraulic system clean and sealed, so as to avoid dust particles and water pollution of the system hydraulic oil, forming the system can not work properly or damage.
  How to use the newly bought cement automatic mixer car to be more efficient? There are a lot of matters needing attention to understand, if you want to know the details, just click on the website www.sdzkjf.cn to contact us directly!
