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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-08-03 发布人:admin
Speaking of body waxing, everyone is no stranger. The car we usually take takes a long time to need waxing, but do you know? The body of the mixer truck also needs waxing. Why does the mixer truck need waxing? What role can car wax play?
1. After waxing, the cement mixer can remove stubborn stains on the body surface and form a protective film.
2. Car wax can form an oxide film on car paint, which can repair some micro crack gaps of car paint.
3. After waxing, the mixer truck can prevent the corrosion of ultraviolet, acid, alkali and other substances.
4. After waxing and curing, it can delay the aging of the paint of the mixer truck and prolong the service life of the paint of the mixer truck.
Protective effect; Antistatic effect; UV protection; Glazing. The mixer car body changed significantly after waxing, and the brightness of its surface increased a lot, and the stains on the car body disappeared, just like a new car.
As a special vehicle, how often does the mixer need to be waxed? In fact, this is not very fixed. It should be determined according to the situation, because the driving environment and parking place of the mixer are different, so the waxing time is also different. If your mixer has a garage and the driving road is mostly flat and clean, waxing every 2-3 months is OK; However, if your mixer has no good parking place and often drives on roads with poor environment, it is recommended to wax every 1-2 months.
These are the reasons and functions of mixer waxing. If you still know a little about waxing, you can come to our website http://www.sdzkjf.cn Consult.
