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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2020-04-15 发布人:admin
  The design and construction of Zhongke self feeding mixer each car has enough goods to be loaded into the car refrigerator to cook meals. In summer, the temperature on the car is not low, and the preservation of meals has become a problem. So a small car refrigerator is very necessary. On the one hand, it is convenient to store the meat and vegetables that are usually stored in the car for cooking, on the other hand, it can provide frozen drinks in summer. A beautiful truck driver drives a truck, sparking a heated debate over the news of her overbearing marriage. Because of the working relationship, it is impossible to find a suitable boyfriend like a normal person at ordinary times. In order not to let his family worry about his personal problems, Yunge simply hung two banners on his car and ran for long-distance transportation at the same time.
  Don't drive in summer just to cool down. Pay attention to these details. The traffic police don't have to pay for the car. Due to the coming of the national day, the maintenance frequency of nozzles and pipelines is also low
  Most people are thinking about where to drive for the national day. After all, during the 11th holiday, there are seven or less cars passing on the expressway. Compared with the excitement of car owners, card friends are more upset, because the 11th National Day is not only no, but also a large number of passing cars and blocks on the highway. The 11th National Day holiday is coming, most people are thinking about where to drive to play, after all, the 11th holiday is high speed for seven or less vehicles.
  Compared with the excitement of car owners, the card friends are more upset, because 11 not only no, but also on the high-speed on a large number of passing cars and blocked toll stations.
  The oil price has been rising all the time, so we have compiled all kinds of engine adjustment methods and corresponding standard values into a book
  The emergence of domestic drop truck transportation originated from the popularity of container transportation, which came into being in the last century. However, due to various restrictions and environmental constraints, there are not many enterprises capable of carrying out drop truck transportation, which makes the promotion and development of drop truck transportation slow.
  The characteristics of the self loading mixer are: low chassis, low center of gravity; small horsepower, small volume; self loading and unloading, self mixing, walking. The advantages of the mixer are flexibility, strong field adaptability, no need for mixing station, self mixing. Self loading mixer, also known as man mobile mixing station, is especially suitable for: narrow site, limited height, manpower, electricity and water. Rare areas, such as new rural towns, high-speed rail, high-speed rail, power, water conservancy, bridges and other construction needs.
