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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2021-10-08 发布人:admin
1、控制气压 紧固接头.罐体内应该打进多少的气压,这个在出厂的时候已经设定好,不需自己调节。如果遇上特殊情况非要调节,建议压力控制在3.5Mpa左右,压力太大容易爆管。另外,新车以及日常使用中,要对管路接口的地方随时紧固,防落。
1. Control the air pressure fastening joint. How much air pressure should be injected into the tank? This has been set at the factory and does not need to be adjusted by yourself. If it is necessary to adjust in case of special circumstances, it is recommended to control the pressure at about 3.5Mpa. If the pressure is too high, it is easy to burst the pipe. In addition, in new vehicles and daily use, the pipeline interface shall be fastened at any time to prevent falling off.
2、罐车加水流程.  每种罐车加水处的布置都大同小异,一般都是水罐排气——加满水——关闭加水阀;在不用的情况下,将拨杆的位置放在中间。
2. Water filling process of tank car. The layout of water filling place of each tank car is similar. Generally, the water tank is vented - filled with water - the water filling valve is closed; When not in use, put the position of the paddle in the middle.
3、冬季排尽管内余水.  在冬季每天收车之后应该排尽水罐内和水管中的水,并在水管打入压缩空气吹尽各个管路中残留的水,防止因为结冰造成管路冻裂。
3. Drain the residual water in winter. After the vehicle is collected every day in winter, drain the water in the water tank and the water pipe, and inject compressed air into the water pipe to blow out the residual water in each pipeline to prevent the pipeline from freezing and cracking due to icing.
4. The water reducing agent is a concrete admixture that can reduce the mixing water volume under the condition of maintaining the same concrete slump. It is carried with the vehicle and can adjust the concrete well. However, when adding water reducing agent, it must be remembered that people from the laboratory of commercial concrete station are present, otherwise the quality and strength of concrete are not enough, and the driver will bear the consequences.
5. Return to the factory to check the water volume in the tank. When returning to the station after completing the driving task, check the water volume in the water storage tank to keep the water in the tank full at any time for emergency needs.
6. Check the concrete quality before leaving the factory. The quality of each plate of concrete may change due to different raw materials. When loading concrete and leaving the site, be sure to check the slump and workability of concrete in the tank, and be careful of early setting of concrete and layered precipitation of concrete.
7. Reduce vehicle travel time. The concrete transportation distance is generally within 30 km in diameter. Plan the route and vehicle traffic conditions before driving to minimize the time of vehicles on the road.
8. Reduce losses and unload first. If it is impossible to unload for a long time due to human factors or irresistible factors, check the concrete in the tank at any time. Once it is found that the concrete begins to set. Unload the material immediately after reporting to the person in charge to prevent the whole tank from being scrapped.
9. It shall be cleaned at any time. It shall be washed at any time during operation. After each unloading, wash the tank mouth, blades, feed inlet, tank body and corners with the water gun of the tank truck to prevent the accumulation of concrete after solidification, which is difficult to clean.
10. Clean the tank car thoroughly after collection. After the daily delivery task, add more than 1 cubic meter of clean water into the tank and quickly rotate the tank for cleaning. Conditional companies can also add stones in the tank, and the effect will be better.
