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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-03-02 发布人:admin
When people begin to pay more attention to the harmonious development of production and environment, however, the development of society needs more infrastructure construction, which is still in full swing, so the problems of environment and pollution must be solved in coordination.
混凝土搅拌车是一种生产混凝土的自动化生产设备,可以全自动的生产各型号混凝土,由于采用的原材料是砂子石子及水泥等各种物料,从原始状态到生产成混凝土需要通过计量,输送及搅拌等过程,在这个过程中会出现扬尘,废水及噪音等一些问题,要想可持续发展,这些问题就是必须要的。好在现在随着社会科技技术的进步和发展,这些问题都已经有了成熟 的方案。
Concrete mixer truck is an automatic production equipment for producing concrete, which can automatically produce various types of concrete. Since the raw materials used are sand, gravel, cement and other materials, from the original state to the production of concrete, it needs to go through the processes of measurement, transportation and mixing. In this process, there will be some problems such as dust, waste water and noise, These problems must be solved in order to achieve sustainable development. Fortunately, with the progress and development of social science and technology, these problems have mature solutions.
Here, I would like to introduce the environmental protection measures for concrete mixer truck:
For the problem of fugitive dust, it should be mostly due to the micro dust covered on the surface of sand and gravel during transportation and production, including the cement in the cement silo during storage and use. These dusts can be collected and recovered by using advanced ion dust removal system. For the problem of sand and stone dust in open-air sites, closed sites and dust suppression devices shall be used, and water washing equipment shall be added to wash the sand and stone. To reduce the impact of dust.
For the important application of concrete mixing plant in the use of water resources, the water consumption in production is relatively large, and a large amount of wastewater will also be generated from the cleaning of equipment and transport vehicles after production. The solution is to install water circulation, sedimentation and purification equipment to purify and recycle the used wastewater, The current water purification device can completely purify and recover the wastewater generated in concrete production, and can realize the repeated use of water resources.
In short, through a series of environmental protection measures, we can basically achieve the effect of no or less pollution and solve various pollution problems caused by concrete production.
Here I appeal to all of you, for the sake of clear water and blue sky and the sustainable development of the earth's resources, concrete production and use enterprises should reasonably adopt various environmental protection measures to meet the needs of environmental protection and do their best for sustainable development and a better living environment.
