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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-05-13 发布人:admin
Everyone wants to buy a self feeding cement mixer with long service life, but it is not known that its service life is closely related to daily maintenance. Do a good job in the daily maintenance of the self feeding cement mixer, which will help you prolong the service life of the equipment. So what are the maintenance and purchase principles of self loading cement mixer?
Now there are more and more projects. The automatic feeding cement mixer can complete automatic feeding, mixing and unloading, and plays a very important role in the current road, bridge, tunnel and infrastructure construction.
Before loading the automatic feeding mixer truck, flush the inlet with water to keep the inlet wet during loading; Fill the flushing water tank of the vehicle with water while loading; After loading, wash the inlet and the residual concrete near the inlet to prevent the concrete from condensing into blocks and causing certain corrosion to the steel part and paint of the automatic feeding mixer;
The mixer truck must discharge the sewage in the concrete storage tank before the next loading; After unloading on site, flush the unloading tank, and then add 30-40l of cleaning water to the concrete storage tank; When the vehicle returns, keep the concrete storage tank rotating forward slowly; At the end of the day, clean around the inlet and outlet of the concrete storage tank and mixer truck to ensure that the cement and concrete will not stick.
In addition, what should we pay attention to when selecting self loading cement mixer? Selection of tank volume: small volume mixer is popular now. When purchasing automatic charging mixer, we should pay more attention to the compactness and convenience of appearance. Of course, you have to buy according to your needs.
Judgment on the quality of mixing tank: the quality of mixing tank mainly refers to the thickness of tank body. At present, it is generally 5mm thick manganese plate. The owner can ask the manufacturer how thick the tank is. If the thickness is less than 5mm, it is unnecessary to consider.
Choose according to the road you often run: when choosing a mixer, choose one with stable performance according to its use. If you run on a flat road, it's usually one. When selecting self loading cement mixer, we should follow the correct standards and understand the production law of the manufacturer, so as to better ensure the selection of appropriate vehicles.
In short, the daily use and maintenance of self loading cement mixer is very important. Many people don't think it is necessary to do seemingly simple work. However, due to the accumulation over time and lack of attention to maintenance, problems often occur, so we should pay more attention. For more information, please visit www.sdzkjf.com Cn for consultation.
