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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-09-23 发布人:admin
It's midsummer, and the temperature is getting higher and higher. In the face of high temperature, rainy and ultraviolet rays, the automatic mixer needs more attention in maintenance. First, let's talk about some basic precautions.
Always look at the circuit to prevent spontaneous combustion
Under high temperature environment in summer, improper use of vehicles may lead to spontaneous combustion. Improper use includes: problems in the oil circuit of the mixer truck, sparks caused by aging wires, flammable materials in the vehicle, etc. At this time, the external high temperature creates potential conditions for the spontaneous combustion of the mixer truck. Therefore, in summer, we need to check the oil circuit regularly, especially don't place inflammables and explosives similar to perfume on the center console of the vehicle. If the vehicle is abnormal, it should be sent for repair in time.
Protection of the car paint depends on the parking
The car paint will really get old and wrinkled when exposed to the sun for a long time. How can we protect the car paint? Here we have four suggestions.
1. Try to avoid washing the car after exposure to high temperature. Even if you need to wash the car, let the car "calm down" for a while.
2. The car paint should not be applied casually, but the heat insulation film on the glass is still necessary.
3. The measured temperature of the white car is about 10 ° C lower than that of the dark car
4. Of course, the above three items are personal preferences. The key is to find a shady place to park!
Clean the air conditioner for several times
When the air conditioner is not used for a long time, it is easy to accumulate a large number of bacteria. After heating, these sleeping bacteria will become active again. Therefore, it is necessary to disinfect and clean the air conditioning pipeline of the mixer once in summer. In addition, you may have encountered that the air conditioner of the mixer truck sometimes does not work and cannot blow out cold air. At this time, check whether the air conditioner has enough refrigerant.
The above three summer maintenance details are not new to everyone, but it is not easy to do a good job, so you should pay more attention to this, so as not to damage our equipment in case of problems. More relevant information will come to our website http://www.sdzkjf.cn Consult!
