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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2020-10-21 发布人:admin
1. The skill of long-distance light braking is not to give passengers a sense of impact, and the prerequisite is to correctly grasp the road and traffic conditions ahead. First, release the accelerator pedal, and then brake according to the distance, speed, etc.
2. Release the brake once before the concrete mixer stops completely. If the purpose of stepping on the brake is to stop the concrete mixer, we should keep stepping on the brake until the vehicle stops. The skill is to release the brake once before the vehicle completely stops, and then gently click the brake until the concrete mixer stops.
3. Step on the brake pedal when braking in an emergency. Most of the vehicles 20 years ago have no ABS device. Therefore, it is not recommended to step on the brake at one time, but to step on the brake twice separately to prevent tail swing and direction lock after wheel locking. But now the ABS system is the standard configuration of the vehicle, so in case of emergency, you must press the brake pedal with all your strength.
4. It is still dangerous to brake on the earth road or floating sand road. It is not only the rural road, but also the urban asphalt pavement. Due to the urban construction, some floating soil or sand particles will be accumulated on both sides of the road. Therefore, the emergency brake operation must be used carefully.
5. Use the emergency brake carefully when driving in rainy days, although the vehicles are basically equipped with ABS system, the phenomenon of wheel locking has been greatly improved. It is suggested that when driving in rainy days, attention should be paid to the control of vehicle speed and the action of emergency braking should be used carefully.
6. If the engine is used for braking at the same time when driving on long downhill road, the braking system will affect the braking performance due to heating. Therefore, according to the road conditions, the transmission gear can be selected in gear 3, 2, l (automatic wave) or 3, 2, 1 (hand wave), and the engine brake is used to control the speed without stepping on the accelerator pedal.
7. Pay attention to the operation method of braking when turning. When stepping on the brake in the direction, the concrete mixer truck is easy to lose its center of gravity. Therefore, the vehicle speed should be fully reduced by braking before entering the curve. But if there is no time to slow down, you can use the brake briefly according to the situation. If emergency brake is applied on wet curve road, tail flick is easy to happen. It can be decelerated by reducing gearbox gear and using engine brake.
8. Pay attention to the bumps and bumps when driving on "spareribs road" (washboard road) or sandy road. When the concrete mixer passes, the wheels will be suspended instantly. At this time, the brake is not only easy to lock up for a short time, but also easy to seize the direction. If possible, use the engine to brake.
