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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-01-08 发布人:admin
Misunderstanding 1. Scribble butter
搅拌车打黄油主要是起一个润滑的作用,一般搅拌车旋转、 啮合等地方都需要黄油。有些维修工会在汽缸垫上也打上黄油,借此增强发动机的密封性。这种做法是错误的。气缸螺栓拧紧后,一部分 黄油不可避免地会流入气缸,外面残余的黄油在高温下还会在缸垫、缸盖与机体平面之间形成缝隙,反而降低密封性。
The mixing truck is mainly used for lubrication. Generally, the mixing truck needs butter in rotation, meshing and other places. Some maintenance unions also put butter on the cylinder gasket to enhance the tightness of the engine. This is wrong. After the cylinder bolts are tightened, part of the butter will inevitably flow into the cylinder, and the residual butter outside will form a gap between the cylinder gasket, cylinder head and the plane of the engine body at high temperature, which will reduce the tightness.
Misunderstanding 2. Do not change the oil for a long time
更换机油是许多司机容易忽视的点。如果长期只是一昧地添加机油, 发动机的许多零部件会缺少润滑,长此以往磨损加剧。柴油机在运转的过程中也会吸附很多杂质进入机油,如果长期不更换机油,可能导致烧瓦、抱轴等问题。
Changing engine oil is a point that many drivers easily ignore. If you only add oil for a long time, many parts of the engine will lack lubrication and wear will increase in the long run. During the operation of the diesel engine, many impurities will be absorbed into the engine oil. If the engine oil is not changed for a long time, it may lead to problems such as Bush burning and shaft holding.
Misunderstanding 3. Open fire heating piston
有经验的维修工都知道,在安装活塞销之前,要先让活塞受热膨胀。一些人为了省事, 直接用明火对活塞进行加热。这种方式会让活塞受热不均产生变形,正确做法是讲活塞放入热油中均匀受热。
Experienced repairmen know that before installing the piston pin, let the piston expand by heating. In order to save trouble, some people directly heat the piston with an open fire. In this way, the piston will be deformed due to uneven heating. The correct way is to put the piston into hot oil and heat it evenly.
4. Polish the bearing bush with emery cloth
It is difficult for inexperienced maintenance workers to master the scraping technology. Therefore, when replacing the bearing bush, someone polished it with emery cloth instead of scraping it in order to increase the contact area between the bearing bush and the crankshaft. This method will make the hard particles on the abrasive cloth embedded in the bearing bush alloy, accelerate the wear of the journal and shorten the service life of the crankshaft during the operation of the diesel engine.
