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来源:http://www.sdzkjf.cn/ 日期:2022-10-12 发布人:admin
The self loading cement mixer is a machine with a shaft with blades rotating in a cylinder or tank to mix a variety of raw materials into a mixture or a suitable consistency.
The self loading cement mixer is determined by multiple parameters. It is impossible to describe a self loading cement mixer with any single parameter. The self loading cement mixer will always stir the concrete when driving, which is also to make the concrete softer and prevent it from drying. Because it often runs on different roads, there are certain requirements for tyres. As follows:
Capable of withstanding sufficient load and operating speed, and ensuring sufficient reliability, safety and anti sideslip capability;
The self loading cement mixer tire has good longitudinal and lateral road adhesion performance, which is conducive to the passing ability and handling stability of the mixer;
Low rolling resistance and driving noise; The rated tire pressure shall be maintained for a long time with good airtight sealing performance;
It has good radial flexibility, cushioning characteristics and shock absorption capacity, which is conducive to riding comfort and smoothness;
The self loading cement mixer has uniform tire wear, good wear resistance, aging resistance, long service life and low price;
Small mass and moment of inertia with good uniformity and mass balance; Good interchangeability, easy disassembly and assembly, and enough space for brake installation in the wheel.
Because tires often contact the road and need to bear the weight of self loading cement mixer, we must be careful when selecting tires. We must choose tires with good quality, long service life and strong bearing capacity. Come to our website for more information http://www.sdzkjf.cn Consult and understand!
